Rest in Vilkovo

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Today 21.01.2025

Museums Vilkovo

Very simple in architecture building fisherman houses in the heart of Vilkovo. Near the monument to the fisherman, transferred from the territory of the farm was. Inside the House of the Fisherman is museum and art gallery, which is the basis of the collection consists of works by local artist Alexander Sharonov. He is the director of the museum and guided tours.

SHARONOV Alexander A.
artist, founder of the Historical Museum of Bessarabia (Vilkovo)

Sharonov Alexander A. was born April 14, 1958 in the city of Vilkovo. The ability to draw manifested in high school helped develop artistic inclinations art teacher Sinko Fedor Petrovich. On the money saved to buy an easel, paints, drawing mainly from nature. In high school, I became interested in radio. After leaving school he entered the correspondence department Odessa technical instrumentation (Radio Engineering Faculty), went to work at the shipyard, but soon realized that painting is more important to him, he throws College and in 1981 entered the Moscow Correspondence People's University of Fine Arts. He graduated in 1985 and continued his studies in the All People's Academy of Arts.

Wanting to devote more time to painting, transferred to work for the sailor floating crane. It was there, in his small cabin, most of the paintings was written.

August 21, 2001 in Izmail Picture Gallery solo exhibition was opened "Vilkovo - Ukrainian Venice". She introduced the local art lovers with the works A.Sharonova for 5 months (instead of the originally planned 1-2 months) and got good reviews of artists and visitors.

Creative plan for the establishment of an art gallery materialize May 15, 2002. At the same time it was exhibited the first exhibits of the emerging historical museum Bessarabia - two Greek amphora and Turkish cauldron. In the future, the museum exhibits replenished, exchanged for paintings acquired for proceeds from the sale of paintings donated by people radeyuschie for the preservation of cultural and historical heritage of our region. The museum on the wall hangs a plaque with the names of Sinko FP, AP Polyakova and Chebykin EM - People who selflessly contribute to the replenishment of the museum exhibits. Added to the museum and finds, found during excavations near Kiel with. Lighthouses, which took part in Sharonov with his son Vladimir. The oldest exhibit dates from the V centuries BC In 2003, A. Sharonov opens an art studio, where the younger generation vilkovchan has the ability to make their first steps in painting.

A talented person is talented in everything. Artistic images inspired by the local landscape, lay not only paint on canvas, but also shaped a word on a piece of paper. Thus it was created "Vilkovo - dear Area: monologue artist" saw the light in 2006.