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Danube Delta

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Today 21.01.2025

Danube Biosphere Reserve
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - environmental, research and independent organization

UNESCO's decision on February 2, 1999 created a single international bilateral Romanian-Ukrainian Biosphere Reserve, and issued the corresponding certificate.

August 10, 1998 by Presidential Decree in Chilia district of Odessa region on the basis of the Nature Reserve "Danube flooded" Danube Biosphere Reserve was created with the increase in the area three times (14.8 hectares to 46.4 thousand hectares). According to Presidential Decree of 2 February 2004 the reserve area is 50,252.9 hectares.

In accordance with the development of nature reserves in Ukraine on 2001-2015 gg envisaged expansion of the area by DBZ reserved a special Decree of the President of the most valuable areas of wetlands, the Danube to Renee.

Where the Danube at its 2.850-mile marathon across Europe is entering the home straight to the Black Sea, the river forms a huge delta. The Danube delta - is the area about 560 square meters. km, which has kept its original and equally attractive natural appearance.

In order to preserve the unique nature of the Romanian and Ukrainian parts of the delta created by biosphere reserves, combined in a single bilateral Biosphere Reserve "Danube Delta, the international status of which is confirmed by the relevant certificate of UNESCO. Danube Biosphere Reserve (DBZ), an area of 46.402,9 ha, established by presidential decree in 1998 on the basis existed here since 1976, the Nature Reserve "Danube flooded."

Valuable living of the reserve is represented by more than 950 species of vascular plants, 257 species of birds, 39 - animals, 15 -, amphibians and reptiles, 91 - fish, about 2000 - insects. The Red Book of Ukraine recorded 43 species of birds, representing more than 65% of its species composition in this group of animals.

Creating exactly the biosphere, rather than a natural reserve in the Danube delta, allows, due to functional zoning of the territory, most combine environmental protection activities to the management of renewable natural resources.

Materials from the official site of the Danube Biosphere Reserve

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