Rest in Vilkovo

Danube Delta

for fans
of serene relaxation!

Today 21.01.2025

As they say in Vilkovo

It vilkovchan indigenous charms. Like all Southerners, they are endowed with a sparkling sense of humor. As Believers - clinging to archaic forms of communication. In common speech flow - full of "international": stroslavyanizm coexists with modern slang; Common Slavonic roots coexist with Turkism; hand in hand - Moldovan, Romanian blotches; like greetings from distant Athens - Greek consonance. Almost never meet the norm of literary utterances. But the distortion is so original, so beautiful that pops Leskov: byustry, kleveton, tinyscope.

Come here - and instantly forget the years spent, smooth and beautiful literary language, experience with a huge audience. "By domes" dive in dialect and - as a gift of fate - "Aw you Ms. ours dochichka ?!"


  • Mamen - Mama - Mama.

  • Tyaten - Daddy - Daddy (Daddy).

  • Tetenov - aunt - tete - aunt.

  • Dyaden - uncles - Uncle.

APPEAL to strangers:

  • Molodichka (young women!). - Babush! - Dedushev!

  • Tetenov! - Dyaden!


Ditenok (detenok) - a kid - by hand (the boy) - boy - man.

Mladenchik - otrukavitsa (damsel) - a girl (girl) - the young women.

These "weird" ... interjections

  • Aha! - And then! - Duc duzha! They correspond to the vernacular: - Yes! - Well yes! But - ironically reinterpreted on a "read backwards". A typical example of the dialogue:

  • I said - I will!

  • Duc duzha!

  • Bret? - Du! - Udyu! They express doubt:

  • You sit? In your home, Ivan already!

  • Udyu!

  • Hyde! Word inspires action:

  • Grandfather, the guide and the boat will sail ...

  • Tsyt! - Shut up:

  • Tsyt uzhu! And the bulbs with bow climb!

(Calm down, out of the nose of the creek!)

  • Get out! - Clean. Most relevant traditional, completely:

  • Voroptsy pakanchala pure cherry! (Sparrows cherries completely destroyed).

  • How vain. - How Zira! Very bad, anyhow:

  • Neither works as Zira - no feed ...

(Do not work haphazardly, or not feed.:

" Who does not work shall not eat!")

  • How ispravdi! - Glen Kis-ka! - What vain (Zira)!

Compliant - No! - Can not be! But - ironically in a negative form:

  • Marus, ETA Meza More at Papa for Gutulia passed! (Border area more "when father" meant quince tree).

  • Ka ispravdi!

Kudys. - Somewhere in a unknown direction. Words from a song:

Kudys paehal my milenyk,

Au and should not be seen ...

Nehaj. - Ukrainianism corresponds let let.

Recruiting farewell:

Padazhditya not strigitya,

Nekhay mama come ...

Amplitude-syudy (syudy). - Back and forth, back and forth:

  • Only and the business, amplitude-syudy telepkytsa! (Only and the business to trudge so here).

Frequently used expressions

  • You go (go) with God! Let him help you God! - Traditional farewell. Complies with: - God help you!

  • Let him God sends to the water and with the dew! Please note: Vilkovo fed not from the earth, and on the water, not from the field and from the sea.

Hence - a non-standard request.

Irzhavy seledets. - By analogy with the Ukrainian. Oseledets, Danube herring acquired masculine. The expression may be of ironic, sometimes sarcastic tone:

  • Thin dy blekavy as seledets irzhavy!

(Approx: - Thin so pale as herring - poor).

  • Feed Orthodox Christians! - Compliant modern: "Help yourself, dear guests!" By intonation - stylized tserkovnoslavyanizmy. It could be as a result of consumer understanding of the Gospel text Vylkove But there is also an option at the level of a joke:

-. Feed, Orthodox Christians (I looked, and the table is empty reaction :)

  • Marus, podkryshi Selets-ka!

"Zest" is that the Danube herring in Vilkovo was not a delicacy, and the everyday, boring food. Archaic, elevated, solemn beginning of the sentence instead of "Help yourself" manifestly contrary to the quality of the offered refreshments ( "irzhavy seledets"). In one phrase - colors weight: and ostentatious hospitality, unction, bigotry and ill-concealed irritation caused by good appetite guests.

Crafty mockery, and perhaps devastating sarcasm and live ruduyut full "complement" to the traditional "Thank you for the bread and salt." The local rablezianstvo looks like this:

  • Thank you for bread, for salt, a glass of wine!

Hypocritical unctuous option:

  • Spasihristus (Save, Christ), for bread, for salt, for a glass of wine!

Words denoting ASSESSMENT

Let's start with this group of definitions relating to the main in man - his character, mind, habits and actions. Positive characteristics.

  • Bravo, bravo, Bravenkaya. - Equivalent to the words good, cute, krasivyyyu There is an option bravinichka t.e.ochen well. And if the traditional standard - a brave SOLDIERS (taut, ready to serve and win), then vilkovchan -

Bravo bravenkaya young women.

Brave (delicious) apples.

  • Bryndik. His pedigree is not easy to calculate. The closest in meaning polsk.bryndik "dandy"; brynda - "toy, jewelry, precious." The Ukr. dialects was found brendulya, brendusha, ie "Woman of fashion" (ESUM, 1,257). The Russian dialects bryndy occur, and it is - "the wide sleeves of the peasant festive clothing" (Vasmer, 1, 222). But then I remember how, came to me, my mother called these words a young charming student. Ask then to what she had in mind ...

Prone to perefrizu and self-irony, the inhabitants of the city and so are able to favorite bravenky turn into its opposite:

On the neighbor: - Bravenky so neither earn nor prinest! (Nekudyshnaya means)

On the harvest of quince:

  • Bra-and-Venka Gutu, a worm on the worm!

The same occurs suddenly and with ordinary fine. Word becomes estimated with a bright "paint" sarcasm:

On the neighbor: - Melkyya door Ruban hoch! (A huge, mean)

With an involuntary trembling, I appeal to those negative characteristics which expressed a single word. his "bonded" and "built" on the rules of grammar of the Slavic roots of many countries, and it has turned the exotic, common noun:. Kayafa, strap, whore, Mahli, Mezhidvorka, Mehanosha etc. Meaning we're guessing some immediately, others - will have to decipher.

But more striking: they are unusually large. Why? Academician DS Likhachev, reading old Russian books and manuscripts, said the same feature. Decided - tradition criticize, condemn aphorism goes back to the time when early man had to speak, to frighten, dumbfound pagan gods. Then it became a habit of buffoons and fools - they alone were allowed to "cut" the truth in the eyes of the master.

And then ... Then it became our flesh. But what is striking: like any art, has its vulgar profanity and censorship options. Some aftoristichny and wise, others - show only one thing: people did not learn to link words into sentences. His thoughts are not decorated. Instead of gaping holes - swearing that - as the ancient - and scare baffle. And again, most of the calls are not otsenosnyh words male and female weaknesses. Why? Woman staroobryadka so beautiful, industrious, neat. She would be - yes Nekrasov's words:

Beauty, peace in the miracle,

Blush, slender, tall,

In all the clothes are beautiful,

By all the agile.

She would be - a marvelous comparison Esenina:

At sunset you like pink

And like snow, radiant and bright.

So, no, and in the church, it will stand out from the altar. And fishing jargon it appear "mokrohvostoy". And in the hour of her girlhood will present universal:

They will say good - answer - Kvočka,

They say chubby - Shout - barrel

Affectionate obozvem Velcro ...

And, having crossed the threshold of her husband's house, she will hide forever from human eyes, and the pride of her beauty - her hair and a high forehead Kichka, bong, scarf ... Why? And to know his place in the house to remember domostroevskogo: "A woman must fear her husband." And if prizabudet its primary care - a pure husband, clean the house - here and pripechatat words:

  • Kayafa. - Dating back to evangelevskogo named Caiaphas. Togo, to which the arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane near Kidron, guards led Christ. That he did not reflexes, I could not understand the situation. In general chorus of "Crucify him!" rang, and the voice of Caiaphas (see:. John, chapter 18, Article 14, 17, 18, etc.). Nerazvorotlivaya, primitive, stupid woman, not to have known the simple truth bears the stamp of its ...

  • Kuelda. Kul. Kuleba. They are similar in meaning. Of course, dirty. Kuelda. - In Russian. dialect "quarrelsome" (Famer, 11, 401). Kul. - "Trap for the beast," ie, a trap for the normal males (Famer, 11, 409-410). Kuleba closer to Ukrainian. Kuleba, ie something indigestible, "thick, overcooked gruel" (ESUM, 111, 132).

  • Lepa. - In Russian. Lepa dialects have a word with a negative value, the estimated value of "doing something as hastily, poorly", "talking nonsense" (ESSYA, XIV, 116). Ukrain. Lepa dialect - a "slut, gossip." These two sayings explicitly submit a hand to each other - at vilkovchan - this slut carrying a nonsense and nonsense.

  • Whore. - The amazing word! In Russian. dialects whore, lakudra - a "slob, slob." It is consistent with local characteristics. But the same M.Fasmer gives another meaning: "weak, sickly person" (Vasmer, 11.485). And I remember being half-dead "podzabornaya" kitten named Lahudrikom. It turns out that whore - not only a slob, but also "weak, undeveloped mind."

  • Strap. Lyamkalka (Klyamko). - Refers to excessive talkativeness, indiscretion. In the multitude of Slavonic languages and dialects its value is approximately the same, for example:

  • Ukr. lement, dialectal lyament - "cry, cry, murmuring" (ESUM, 111.219);

  • Bolg. straps - "mutter" (ESUM, 111, 189).

And we could put a full stop. But in the old Russian houses there is an hitherto door heck Klyamko. Its main feature - a long tongue, which is often-often tinkled when pressed. Here the subject and helps to understand how a woman called Vilkovo Shoulder Strap.

  • Mahlya.- Meaning of word mahlevat clarifies what it means to cheat. Muhley yes Mahlyutoy in the city called the one that is easy to carry out, to cheat, obegorit ...

  • Mezhidvorka. Mehanosha. Hiking. - Epithets, the meaning of which is completely transparent. All of them - convicting finger towards bad housewife who prefers a different kind of "journey" yes visitality tedious homework. As simple and originally decorated these words! In the first: the basics pulled together "between" and "yards"; in the third - the original transfer of stress gave word ironic, mocking tone. Pay attention to Mehanoshu. Ancient fur - a bag Torba + wear - a kind of "home with his bag," ie, beggar. In general, a number of this "beggar" these words to explain what will happen to the one that constantly replaces the weekday holidays.

  • Maloholnye. - Abnormal, idiot. The Ukr. - The same and with the same value. Comparable with the Church Slavonic mlohalstvo, ie "Weakness, sickness"; with Serbia. mlakav - "sluggish, weak" (ESUM, 111, 370-371).

In Pskov dialects preserved malahaynik - "ignorant headless" (Dahl, 11,334).

-Oglashennaya. - Dating back to the Church Slavonic "catechumen in the temple of an idolater." Later came into use a loud exclamation of the priest during the liturgy: "Catechumens, depart!". Non-Christians have been "at this present time out of the temple" (Dahl, 11.643). In the modern sense of the catechumen - man, notify everyone and everything that should be concealed. Announcement in Vilkovo - the one that broke the commandment: "His shame not to publish!"

  • Sumlenniy (Sumleta). - It has emphasized a negative value, nepostavimo with Ukrainian. sumlіnny - diligent, hardworking. But in the dictionary Dal find dialectal variant - "tsepet, weak, faint"; the person - "puny, sluggish," ie, somlevshy (Dahl, 11,334).

Sharply negative, derogatory, but censorship DATA Specific relatively rare. Maybe because this flow exposures could come from the lips of women. Two hundred years ago, a woman could not conceive of such liberty.

  • Besklepochny (Beskleshny). - Riveting - a narrow plank of which was collected by the barrel. Try to imagine a barrel without riveting. It is even possible? And if a man? Literally - it's head with a big hole ...

  • Voltanuty. - Word lives recently. Of course, "the current hit". Physics obviously helped born definitions and concepts.

  • Nёma. - Fool. Obviously, from the dumb. In the same value in the city there is an Niemczyk - a child who at the time did not speak. Heard remark:

  • Nositsa with the boy, and he was - well, clean Niemczyk (worthless, stupid).

The etymology of the word prosmatorivaetsya easily; a well-known fact: the German in Russia called anyone who did not speak in Russian.

In general, a number Namahany and powdered. It is important to realize - from such people forever hiding the truth, they "turned" head, they have "flashed" in the eyes, and everything seen through a veil of dust (powder).

  • Tyulyulyuy. - Fool, slacker. In young. and room. dictionaries this word is translated as a slacker. For example, young. teleleu (IFA 637). The local version of the evaluation definition is the result of a foreign judgment Slavic roots. In it there is also a characteristic traditionally derogatory repeat at-lu-lu ...

Estimates definition "smeshpnnogo type" - those that can be addressed to both sexes, presented several options.

"Glued" fused in unbreakable unity such evaluation concepts as:

-Eretik Prespodny (Trispodny). - Literally: "apostate, infidel" (Dahl, 1,521). In a word - the character of the underworld.

  • Infection nemuzdanaya, ie rampant. In dialectal dictionary M. Vasmer muzda corresponds check (Vasmer, 111.5). In the modern interpretation of this is, in general, "intractable infection."

  • Irvotny parashok! - This idiom does not need special interpretation, translation. Aptly, and with a sly chuckle, to the contrary, an unpleasant person contains. In short - an emetic potion.

Single-word definitions are:

  • Lamotnik. - Complies obscheslovyanskomu poseur. In Vilkovo - negative characteristics too flirtatious woman. "Pripechatat" this word, it is remembered for a long time:

  • What did you know of any? Au ETA Well lamotiki a grandmother, great-grandmother! (- Do not you know they - flirts with the forefathers).

  • Opetsuh. - Thick, besformlenny shorty.

Related Ukr. opetsok, opetskuvaty - a short, thick, clumsy person.

The following words and expressions shall have established themselves as the commonly used after 1940 - the year of reunification with Russia Bessarabaii. They record new concepts in public Lexion and simultaneously evaluate them:

  • Functions. Funtsanary. - Soviet officials.

  • Functions wormy. - Disparaging version of the same concept.

Of course, the word does not appear together with the change of power in the memory vilkovchan lived vostochnoromansky option: funktsionar - "employee, officer" (IFA 697). This "funktsanar" gradually became synonymous with the word "Soviet". As a child, I often heard about a neighbor, teacher - Soviet. If a local married prezh, ironic pop up option statements: - Soviet took take offense ... not worth it, everyone knew: the Old Believers like to emphasize the isolation of their own world. Alertness to the "outsider" gradually passed, if the daughter are "good" and Neat.


In Vilkovo live and work on the Advantages of fishermen and sailors. Axial once in the Delta and the seaside of aquatic spaces, they doomed themselves to risky fishing, reckless character and vocabulary, understandable only to professionals. Strange but true: pass 10 and the 100th anniversary, and watered the vocabulary does not change. But - still understandable only to those who "you" to the sea and the wind, the river and fishing. So, the wind that accompanies the fishing harvest season and determines the rhythm of life vilkovchan. Yes, they know the vernacular: the north wind called the North, SEVERYAK midnight. SOUTH their tinning (by NOON, ie the south). West wind here called WEST. EAST - EAST. But the name of focused on the intermediate side of the world ... Oh, it's a science!

Abasia. - The local name of the south-east wind. It blows from the Greater Caucasus coast. This fact has determined its name. Turkish Abaza - is "Abkhazian", respectively Abaza - "wind blowing from Abkhazia" (Murzaev, 36). This name has already attracted the attention of researchers. The dictionary V.Dal find: Abaza "fierce wind from the Greater Caucasus shore, threatening the Danube fishermen" (1.1).

Lodosa - The so-called Vilkovo southwest wind. The etymology could not find the words ...

Karael. - North-west wind. The name is borrowed from the Turkish language in which KARAYEL - northwest, literally "black wind". This name is justified in existence vilkovskih fishermen. They called KARAEL "evil wind" and not go out to fish.

Sometimes it is called goryak. In Ukraine, in Riess et al. Slavic countries, often the name of the winds miner gorіshnik, Gorynya. Typically, this name winds blowing from the north or west, as well as the upper reaches of the river (Murzaev, 151; ESSYA, VII, 56-57). The name goes back to the word of the mountain, which can mean a hill, river and its upper reaches. Vilkovsky goryak blowing around along Ochakovo girla Danube, from its headwaters to the estuary and the sea.

Puryas. - The so-called Vilkovo northeast wind. The name is borrowed from the Turkish language in which it sounds like poryaz. And tureyky this word came from the Modern Greek, where he was pronounced borias (Vasmer, 111.410); (Murzaev, 467). Source Tags: Borey - in Greek mythology, God of the North Wind. To him always treated seriously and with respect, his strength sang:

With white Borey Vlas

And with a gray beard,

Shaking heaven.

Clouds clenched hand ...

(GR Derzhavin, 1779).

Calm speech vilkovchan - it limanika. The Greeks Estuary - "shallow bay." With the Greek coast of the word easily migrated to the Slavs and tkrkam. In Turkish it is formed by limanlyk - "quiet and calm". Indeed, in the estuaries of strong winds did not happen.


Wind on the sea walks

And boat wings.

He runs himself in the waves

In the swollen sails.

Vilkovskie sail inflates this one, just called, "diarrhea". The fishing slang it is quite common. For example, exactly the same name as a strong tailwind and Volga fishermen ... (See. Murzaev, 453).

Storm and bad weather Vilkovo called FURTUNOY. In this case, the affected neighborhood Moldovan (Romanian). There is a word means "storm, thunderstorm" (IFA 698). Gravitating to folklore sources vilkovchane love to feast sing about how RAZGULYALYSYA At SEA FURTUNUSHYKA Di ...


Local residents know well: fishing, "luck" is determined not only by luck, as a thorough knowledge of the delta lands - islands, Tong, Kuty, backwaters, grooves, hidden duct. Life is a vast delta - it is their life, but each time, conversing with the local "fishing," I marvel at his knowledge obshtrnosti ... So girla and fishing. GEOGRAPHY OF NAMES. Supporting the concept:

Girlie. - The sleeve, one of the natural otvletvleny river.

Gryadina. - Naturally formed by silt mound (hill), the similarity of a small island.

Erik. - Nebolshoykanal, waterway. Clarifies the meaning of the word turetskre yaryk "slot canyon" (ESUM, II, 181).

Groove. - Narrow, shallow, secondary Arm (arm).

Zaton, Saga. - In Vilkovo they represent a small bay water. But in the first case - it is a pure expanse of water, and in the second - gradually disappearing, overgrown section of the river or bay.

Channel. - Artificially created, dug sleeve.

Kut. - Bay, wide open to the sea.

Power failure. - So the fishermen called the confluence of the Danube to the Black Sea, as it is "a place where there are different flow" (DPA, 18).

Tonya. - Regulated arbitrarily designated fishermen stretch of the river, where they pull the network in order of priority.

Spire (studs). - Outstanding in the "big water" Spit, which became part of the continental land.

The main part of these large and small reservoirs, Tong, sagas and surrounding land associated with the names and surnames of people who lived and hunted here. In Vilkovo often hear: - Au in its fold there! - Ie named person holds in the summer grazing a few cows and sheep. Sam lives in flimsy construction and is engaged in fishing, Provideth hay for the winter, and so forth.

Sometimes - the name associated with the traditions of the entire fishing dynasties. For example, hard workers Jurate Chernyshova, nicknamed Dulepov long ago expressed a preference for a slight bend of the river near his cap. In Vilkovo and styled this place Dulepov kut.

Belgorod Girlie (it is also Gusev, it is the same, but in a joking form, ODESSA WAY)

It left otvletvlenie Danube. Narrow, shallow, but very old hose that divided Vilkovo on the mainland and the island: the city proper and Kalibbeyku. Through Zhebriyanski bay and Kut Polunoshny it connects with the sea.

Belgorod Girlie indicated on maps of the 19th century (1810, 1815, 1856). The name is very old, since It derived from the ancient Slavic name of the city Belgorada-Dniester. Later, in the era of Turkish rule, the city was called Ackermann. In the 18th century appeared on the map as a notation Bedgorodskogo girla Akkerman (Skalkovsky, ch.1,77). The direction of the sleeve (from Vilkovo to Belgorod) has determined its name. Once there and Belgorod BAY (northern part of the Danube Delta) in this area. Now this name is preserved only in the memory of the old-timers.

  • Note: "Odessa road" once called the groove between Belgorod and Girlie Zheboianami. Close to lay the way to Odessa. The groove fills the mass of debris of various origins. then the groove disappeared. "Odessa road" became known beneaped and cloudy (waste) Belgorod sleeve.

With Belgorod Girlie associated ducts, Kuta, the saga:

Badica (or Badikova kut). - The Romanian Badikov - "uncle, brother" (RRS.155).

Volchok. - 4-6-kilometer spit near Belgorod Canal where it meets the Black Sea. Located near the village of Zhebriyany (Seaside). Name negatively estimated. Dating back to the word WOLF - unfriendly, wild beast. This context is the people associated with the lack of fresh water in the area. in conditions of the south deprived of moisture zeili quickly turn into barren salt flats and really "run wild."

Havre. - Bay of the Black Sea to the left of the Belgorod girla. Marked on the map in 1815, the now - Spit between Polunoshnym and Zhebriyanami. pour Belgorod kut. His name was, most likely, from Le Havre - diminutive form of the name Gabriel.

Gaposhina saga. - The area in the northern part of the Belgorod channel. The first part of the name - prityazhitelnoe adjective is the diminutive form of the name of Gapon - Gaposha: second - by a geographical term saga. Now - beneaped overgrown bay, used for small-scale fisheries, but more often - for arrangement of gardens. Bulldozer cleans and equates the area, brought up by the land - the rest - business master's hand, nature and weather.

Kazekina saga. - Located near Belgorod girla. In Vilkovo There is nicknamed "The Cossacks", "Kazekiny" from him and formed the name.

Erik Lucanians. - Connect the Belgorod channel Salt Kut. The name was due to a man named LUCA (Lukanets). Once there, he is constantly on gryadine kept cows. Even 40-45 years ago Erik started to be overgrown with reeds; old-timers remember that the Lucanians Eric - a great place for the young cane harvesting (hay) in the winter.

Perelazka. - Small sleeve, once connected the Belgorod and Ochakovskoe girla near Vilkovo. It is interesting that in other parts of the stile called ford (ie the way "on dry land" - Murzaev, 333). The "Ukrainian Venice", of course, gave predpochetanie waterway.

Peemkovsky channel. - Artificial created recently. Thus an expensive way here mined sand bottom. The name is derived from the located near PMK (mobile mechanized column); He became left otvletvleniem girla near Belgorod.

Sasik (Sasyk). - Kos Belgorod channel at the seaside. The name of the Turkic proichhozhdeniya., Wed. Turkish Sasa - "smelly" (TPC 754). Kos partitions off the entrance to the salt (now desalination) Sasyk lake, which is always black mud extracted. Apparently, the name of Lake and braids are associated with this feature.

Serbova gryadina. - Natural mound (hill), the similarity of the island. It is located 1-2 km from the border Vylkove right in Belgorod Girlie. Serves on the Advantages of a summer grazing (it imported here by boat)

Salty kut. - The right side of the Belgorod girla at its confluence with the Black Sea. Now on hearing all vilkovchan, ie recently formed Polunoshnovskaya spit partitioned kut salty and difficult to exit from Belgorod to Volchok.

Ochakovskaya Girlie AND OTVLETVLENIYA

Delta fork in the city has given rise to two main Girlie: Ochakovo and Starostambulskomu with sleeves and of countless tributaries. Ochakovo is mentioned on all maps of the 19th century. Name of the landmark points in the direction of navigation (to Ochakov). Girlie affluent, wide, has always been navigable. But it ceased to function Polunoshnoe. Access to the sea lay across the abyss.

From Vilkovo downstream Ochakovo girla located next Sleeves: Ankudinova, midday, Gneushev, POLUNOSHNOE, Sabbat, abyss, Potapova (5 km from Prorva to the sea). With named sleeves connected with lots of water, "Road" and "trails".

About them in alphabetical order:

Ankudinova. - Right otvletvlenie Ochakovo girla directly opposite the city. Separated from the mainland of. Ankudinova - a favorite haunt vilkovskih gardeners.

For 3-4 km from the sea Ankudinova connected to Girlie midday, and wide sleeves, both flow into the Black Sea.

Girlie ANKUDINSKOE referred to as the sources of the 19th century (Map 1815). Options Ankudinova and Kudinov clearly secondary. The name is not clear, vozmlzhno, it is associated with the word ANGYDYN (nimenovanie one of the Turkic-speaking genera or tribes) .mozhet be representative of this kind received the island to private ownership. Maybe in another way: by ANGYDYN already been established name and, in turn, from it - the name of the island.

Andreykin groove. - Once left otvletvlenie Ankudinova girla. Now - Saga.

Quick or Small, grooves - Pass through on. Gneushev. Functioning. The names reflect the nature of the flow and the value of the object.

Gneushev. - Girlie, right otvletvlenie Ochakovo, which flows into the Black Sea. It separates two islands Midday and Gneushev. The name goes back to the name Gneushev (Gneushat), which are always kept gardens here. It is interesting that the name comes from the Slavic name noncanonical Gneushev, GNEVOSH (See .: Demchuk, 70).

Once there and Gneushonok - groove left main otvletvlenie girla. As they say now - Nema and trail!

Demkina Arm. - Is separated from Ochakovo girla in place of its confluence with the sea. Now - Saga. It received its name from Dёmki - diminutive of Demian.

Delyukovo. Deluca kut. - Bay and near the Danube bend about. Ankudinova. The location is excellent fishing, deep water. The name probably dates back to the Turkish Delic - "hole, hole, hole" (TRS 216). In Slavic language environment characteristic word annexed Russian suffix - s.

Last Delyukovy and nicknames associated with it, in Vilkovo known today. Perhaps the ancestors of these people felt called kut their fishing "fiefdom."

Durasov groove. - Left otvletvlenie girla Prorva on the south shore of. Polunoshny. It no longer exists. Name - from the name, in Vilkovo and now common surname Durasova.

Dyukova Arm. Djukov groove. - So I called small water otvletvlenie in the southern part of. Gneushev. Mentioned in the early 20th century. Established by the nickname, the source of which could be Russian. Duke "Duke" (new borrowing from the French.) Or Ukrainian. DUCA, AQL "host bogaya Prince" (ESUM, 11.143). Now they simply do not - do not recognize the place - as they say local fishermen.

Kostyushkin groove. - Once listed as right otvletvlenie Potapovsky girla. The origin of the name is clear - dates back to the first or last name, but it is not the groove, interviewed local residents did not remember.

Lazarkin kut. - Working on a lake. Midday. A small but deep. The rich fish. It can be reached from Ankudinova can and Gneushev.

In the early 20th century Lazarkinym called right otvletvlenie Poludennoye girla (Mohyla, 1913.47). Subsequently he referred Lazarkin Bay. Its upper part is completely separated from the lower reed beds, was called Lazarkinym estuary (DPA, 40). Apparently, this is the object on the topographic map of the area designated as "Lake. Lazarkin Kut ".

Matveykin Arm. - Sometimes it is seen as lateral flow girla Ankudinova (DPA, 39). Often - as an offshoot of the Middle girla. Matveykin name Option groove meet in the books of Nicholas Mohyla and I. Gritsenko (See .: Mohyla, 1910.27: Mohyla, 1913.47; Gritsenko, 84). Girlie still exists as a narrow channel, but the call can not be in it.

Nikitino Arm. - Left otvletvlenie Ochakovo (TKD). Another earlier name - Erik Nikitina (1830). Now it is no one remembered.

Poludёnnoe. - Functioning Arm, right otvletvlenie Ochakovo. It washed ashore on the southern. Midday. Alternative names: Half-day Girlie (Mohyla, 1910.28; Mohyla, 1913.47). The local system of geographical names Arm midday and about. Afternoon opposed to the island and Girlie POLUNOSHNOMU. Both islands are located opposite each other on either side of Ochakiv girla. Midday Arm otvletvlyaetsya in a southeasterly direction, Polunoshnoe - in the north (north-west).

Potapovo Arm. - Otvletvlenie Ochakovo girla at its confluence with the sea. Girlie shallow, regularly cleaned cherpalka. Vilkovchane remember that during the war bomb dropped digger was drowned, it is even more difficult for the movement on the sleeve. In contrast Potapova girla the sea is Potapovsky Spit.

Rakovo Arm. - It was right otvletvleniem Ochakovo when vpalenii into the Black Sea. It was mentioned in the embodiment Erik crayfish (1830). A more modern name groove cancers. But no longer - overgrown. The name dates back to the last name or a nickname, because Vilkovo and now live "CANCERS."

Rasamaha (Wolverine). - Lake at about. Ankudinova. Perhaps from the wolverine in the value of what the word was in Russian. Dialect - "cuckoo, slut" (Dahl, IV, 104). It could be called a lake Erik, overgrown with duckweed, kugoy covered trash - in short buhornik.

Silorchikov groove. - Left otvletvlenie Potapovsky girla. It has access to the Black Sea. In Vilkovo argue that the groove is named after the Sydor Ovsyannikov - fisherman, craftsman, lovivshego sturgeon. Came Soviet power returned Russian. They waited in Bessarabia, they believed. S. Ovsyannikov handed over to the new authorities 12 belugas. Immediately followed by an order for its dispossession. He survived. He died, as they say here, "even at Saveta".

Trefilkino Arm. - At the beginning of the 20th century it was described as part of the Ochakovo girla at its confluence with the Black Sea. There was one source with Sabbat (Mohyla 1910, 28; Mohyla, 1913.47). Later Trefilkinym Girlie already called left otvletvlenie Potapova (Gritsenko, 71). Now this site is overgrown, formed a small spire.

The name goes back to the name Trefil (Perfil'ev). Interestingly, the word is used in Vilkovo TREFILTSY to mean "klutz".

Sabbat. - Girlie. At the beginning of the 20th century is referred to as SHABASHKOVO - Ochakovo girla part at the confluence of the Black Sea (Mohyla, 1910.28). Later he stated that the Sabbat sleeve ceased to exist (DPA, 40). But remember vilkovchane Arm Sabbat and know kut Sabbat on about. Polunoshnom. Confirms: - Di is, but it will not pass ... Moreover, they remember and groove associated with Kut, and call him affectionately Shabashonok. But is its neither. Interestingly meaning of the name: the Sabbath represents a rampage, fun, dictionaries offer options for the "end of work", "enough", "walk", etc.!


This Arm longer than Ochakovkogo, but small at the mouth. According to him prohdit modern Ukrainian border with Romania (up Limbs sleeves).

The maps of the 19th century was known as the Istanbul (Map 1810 1830 TCD and others.) Sometimes there are a distorted form of the name -. "Girlie Istanbul" (Map 1815) After the Arm Fast became known as New and Novostambulskim, Arm Istanbul was called STAROSTAMBULSKOE. Already in 1910, we meet him the designation "Old-Istanbul" (Mohyla 1910, 26). The name indicates naprvlenie flow - to the southeast, landmark - Istanbul. The most famous sleeves girla - OTNOZHNOE, MIDDLE, EAST, faster limb.

Ana nkin kut. - Even earlier - Anankina Bay. He zamyty, but still remember how lucky fishing spot. Now rare name Ananias almost forgotten in the maps we find the erroneous "room. Anakin-kut "(map 1992).

Andreyashkina Erik. - Left otvletvlenie Starostambulskogo girla. Referred to another card in 1830 he was already there.

APEX kut. - Lake between Arm and Middle Potapova at the confluence of the sea (TKD). Current status: No Kuta, the sea, he interspersed oblique. The name is derived from a characteristic of the area, water chestnuts walnut (+ primordially Russian "Akan"), or on behalf of Aref, known in the Old Believer environment.

Fast or Novostambulskoe, Arm (arm). - Left otvletvlenie Starostambulskogo near the confluence of the Black Sea. On the map in 1830 called NEW: name reflected later in comparison with the Istanbul appearance. Another source of the 19th century (TCD) refers to the southern. Girlie was really south, but in relation to the Girlie Andreyashkovo. In 1910 Novostambulskoe Arm mentioned, and how fast (Mohyla 1910, 27). Modern map captures a single object "Novostambulskoe (Fast) Arm." The course is really fast, the water is cloudy, cold, but shallow. the sea here can only exit the smallest fleet.

Bystrovskaya kut. - Left otvletvlenie girla bystoro. Pour.

East Arm. - Left running, rather broad otvletvlenie Starostambulskogo. The course is very fast, flowing from west to east, following quickly.

Rotten groove. - At about. Kubanka. The surface is covered with duckweed, the passage is almost absent, standing water issues the corresponding odor. Hence the name.

Far lake. - Zapovednoe, located on the remote island of Vilkovo Limba.

Santa kut. - Bay in the northern part of the Kuban islands in the Eastern origins girla. Mentioned in the early 20th century sources. (Mohyla 1910, 27; Mohyla, 1913.47). Now it no longer remember.

Dulepov kut. - Now the saga. The area near the east coast of. Kuban. Once there and worked in misery 5 Chernyshova brothers. They were respected, but called Kut, using the nickname.

Eremkin groove. - Right otvletvlenie Novostambulskogo girla in the eastern part of. Kuban. I mentioned in the beginning. 20. (Mohyla 1910, 27; Mohyla, 1913.47). According to Vilkovo now - Zaros and mute feature.

Desired. - Kut, the bay in the southeastern part of the island Gneushev. Neighborhood with Girlie Potapov. Not interspersed by sea. There is a fish. Thus, the positive in Kuta title is valid.

Zavodninskoe Arm. - Workers multifunction connects Anankina Bay and Big (Istanbul) Arm near his mouth. The relatively small area in the southern part of the island called Kuban ZAVODNINSKY KUT. Here is the "factory" - a hostel for fishermen, prospectors. Zavodnik called fishermen who catch sturgeon on the hooks-samolovy. Hence - the nickname of the famous fishing IKRYANIKI dynasty.

Zuvy grooves. - 1st, 2nd, and the third is called fishing. Otvletvleniya Starostambulskogo girla. Zavodninskogo is above the groove. Zamyty, but limited function.

Kazeno Arm. - Once upon a time it shared the island into two parts Otnozhny (Mohyla, 1910.28; Mohyla, 1913.47). it is not now. In these places have long kept gardens vilkovskie residents on Boyarenko names, with street nickname Casekow, hence the name.

Kubanka. - Girlie. Secured cards, the 1856 also exist Bay Kubanka that in the 40-ies. our century has become a deltaic Volo. Kubanka now - this saga between the fast and the East. There are also the island KUBAN left otvletvenii Starostambulskogo girla. Are these names with the Kuban Cossacks, settled once here - it is not yet clear, but the proposal and reinforces existing KUBAN CORDON here.

Kurile Islands . - The most remote from Vilkovo, the youngest, the smallest. They are located between the mouths of Starostambulskogo girla and limb. So, the name of this group of islands metaphorical: they are real Kuril Islands, located on the river vrayu land, then - only the sea.

Lazarkin kut. - Working rich catches of lake. Midday. Sunset - with Ankudinova, either Gneushev, so it is often referred to as the waters Ochakovo girla.

Lebedinka. - Girlie, right branch Starostambulskogo girla below Limba island on the border with Romania. The border area is generally thinly populated, and it became one of the reasons the annual appearance in these places swans. In the southern part is girla LEBEDINOVSKY KUT, where these birds like to settle.

With Lebedinkoy linked two more names that do not require special comment. It Lebyazhya SHALLOWS - marshes near about. Lebedinka, and dog Girlie - right branch of Lebedinki.

Limba. - Girlie, right branch Starastambulskogo. On the left bank girla is the eponymous island. This island juts out from the sea LIMBOVSKY KUT. The Romanian side on its territory of Sulina on the artificial canal dug Svistovku "Little Limb." Vostochnoromanskogo Name origin: Limbach - "language" as gidroterminvsirechaetsya in Romanian, Limbach DE MARE - "sea Spit" (MPC 353, PPC, 773.).

Garbage. -So It called groove Eastern girla on a branch. Kuban. The name is due to the fact that a fairly strong current here collected a large amount of debris. And, apparently, "littered" finally - the groove is not.

Otnozhino. - Limited functionality Arm; the continuation of the Middle girla. Once there has been access to the sea, is now interspersed. The maps of the 19th century was called CRIMEAN Girlie (TCD; Map 1856). "Otnozhino" - since 1830 In the early 20th century both names were used in parallel: "Otnozhnoe (Crimean) Arm." Name - from a geographical term OTNOGA - "river arm" (Murzaev, 422).

Signet. Perestenevo. - Once the groove right otvletvlenie girla East towards on. Otnozhnomu. Now - overgrown space.

Popovo. - Girlie, once united the Starostambulskoe and average. On the maps of 1830 Popov We find Eric. It has no name remains focused on one of the most common names in the Vilkovo.

Sandy. - Once Arm, right otvletvlenie Mtarostambulskogo. From the south of the sleeve washed. Sandy, who shared Otnozhino and average. Girla names and the island appears to reflect the character of the soil. Distorted foria naming is given on the map 1815 .: Sandy GIR. Subsequently - on maps of the 19th century and later - "Arm Sandy." Now Arm maloprohodimo, hardly can be reached by boat. Vilkovchane longer vspominayutPeschany island: it has long been a monastery dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. Remember monastery, monastery gardens, apiaries, orchards. The monastery was closed in Soviet times. For a while there was the collective farm The ability, then he was sent to various businesses, it is now abandoned. There is talk about the restoration of the monastic cloister.

Romanovo Arm. - Odnischitayut his left sleeve Starostambulskogo, others - the right branch of the East. Heteroglossia explained simply: Romanovo Arm was due to the fact, and with others. Now overgrown remember now only Romanov groove.

Semenov groove. - Some Semen or seminal left a memo already overgrown pond near Middle sleeves.

Average Arm. - Left branch Starostambulskogo. The distorted shape of the Mid mentioned on the 1815 map, the map 1 half of the 19th century, coupled with Starostvmbulskim Girlie using Popov Erika (TCD; Map 1815 1856). On modern maps - hand Average. The current state describes the replica of a local resident: - On a small boat, and it - barely, barely!

Dog Dirk (hole). - An offshoot of starostambulskogo falls into Lebedinku. From Kuta to Limbovskogo Lebedinke mozhnoproehat only through a deep and narrow Erik called Dog Dirk ...

Taranov kut. - The area in the southern part of. Potapova. The name probably dates back to the last name or a nickname, in Vilkovooni frequent. The Ukr. Dialect found Taran - "pox scar"

Harlashkin groove. - Left branch Starostambulskogo girla. Mentioned in the early 20th century (Mohyla, 1910.26; Mohyla, 1913.47). Name - ie common name from Old Believers Harlampo.

Arm Roma, or Gypsy. - Left branch Starostambulskogo near about. Gypsy. It mentioned also GYPSY FLOW (DPA 280). Bay on the coast of the island from the Black Sea called GIPSY KUT. On the modern map - "hall. Gypsy kut ". Gypsy Arm function, there is an exit to the sea.

In large or small Girlie fishermen know and call the most successful fishing. Water has long divided the space into conventional plots - TONY. The local idiom outstretched Tonya means fishing on floating network of any section of the river downstream from the top. Tonya is also called, and the installation location of fixed gear (IKRYANIKOVA Tonya). An indispensable condition for the existence of Tony - no at this point Karch.

Karch. - The sunken large snag. Together, the fishermen are trying to clean the bottom, but byvaeyut "objects" that can not raise tens of years ... know this and warn. Dangerous also polutozatoplennaya migrating snag. But it is - a matter of chance and luck. A characteristic remark: - Let him it bursting, polkosyaka on Karch left ...

Most private Tong names linked with the guidelines for marking kilometer river, for example, herring Tony on Chilia arm:

  • 26th kilametra ...

  • From the 24th to the 22nd ...

  • From 21st ... etc.

There are named Tony. For example, in Girlie Starostambulskomu From Patlatova to Romanov (immediately added with respect: - There Romanovs lived ...).

Tonya Volkova (On Starostambulskomu Limbs from Romanian). And again: - They lived Volchenko brothers. 5 chi (or) 6. paslednie Palmer already at our memory ...

Only once I heard: - From Petrukha Tonya? Yeah, ETA from the corner down the Belgorod Ochakovskaya Girlie. So confident person, and a hut on the excellent location was.

And with whom did not speak on the subject, I asked:

  • Well you write about Lanchihinu Tonya.

Baba Lanchihi Tonya. It is located at the distal section of the river, on the Istanbul Girlie not doezhaya Limbs, left. At this point, once we lived fishermen Lantsova (Lanza). All died, there was an old woman Lanchiha. It is lonely ( "Shed dy two cows"), it has become an angel-savior of many shivering and soaked vilkovskih "fishings". So they say: - All taken indiscriminately; and obogreit and tea will ...

Sometimes Tonya place, landmark, for example - Bystrovskaya Tonya. Knows everything about: - Eta kilametry for 4 to Bystrov. There girlova fork. From all Girlie herring.

A special type of tawny - Kashirnaya. The most popular of them - Lower on Starostambulskomu. Fishing lead a special way - setting the stage for the net of the two boats.

Near Vilkovo, sometimes within the boundaries of the city, as there are large and small bodies of water: backwaters, Eric, small ducts. There are no large fish, it is habitat of frogs and fish stuff. The children here are caught fishing rod to feed yourself and your cat. But the most famous - Bazarchuk (Buzurchuk), or Zaton.

This bay in the city, is connected to the Chilia arm. The sandy beach and the woods made it a favorite place for summer holidays. But - not without psevdohozyayskogo itch: the part was given to the Repair Base backwater river craft (really convenient place for mooring); but for the rest - suddenly started to take out the sand, undermining the bulldozer and felling trees. Then cast - defiled and mutilated Beach.

The value of the name. BAZARCHUK - word of Turkic origin., Wed. with tureykim PAZAR - "market". Turkic suffix - PAMs (-chik) gives it a diminutive value (TRS, 960, 961). Old-timers say that the name is associated with an abundance of birds lived here ( "rookery"). Young their voice is not heard - not like a bird of bad places.


Until very recently, the boat - a subject of pride of local residents. This business card at home, symbol blagopoluchiya.yu envy. The boat carries and nourishes: for business and leisure travelers. The first men's care - care of it, repair each of its parts, promazyvanie resin coloring. It is impossible that the boat "ingrained" in the ice, you can not, so rassohlas, need to touch up the "flag", podkonopatit side prosmolit it both inside and outside. In short - the boat requires attention and care, but enjoys neizbavnoy love.

In Vilkovo - a special type of fishing boat. It is roomy, stable due to the keel and high sides. She has a particular color, the original device. Let us call the typical local varieties of boats and small vessels:

Kayuk (Kayuchka). Type rybaykoy boats. Load capacity, wide in the sides. This feature is sometimes used for ironic characteristics of a person. Hence the nickname Kayuchiha: large, wide at the hips. Word skiff borrowed from Turkish and Crimean Tatar language (ESUM, 11, 412).

Magun. - Large, spacious boat, the forerunner of motorboats. The size is between the skiff and feluccas. in Russian. and Ukrainian. dialects Magoon - "keel boat with high sides for seine fishing in the sea", a word borrowed from the Greek language (ESUM, 111, 256).

Odnopyrka. - The smallest boat, calculated per passenger.

Shalandochka. - So called Vilkovo small flat-bottomed pot. The word is borrowed from the French, there Barge -. "Poloskodonnoe vessel" (Vasmer, IV, 397).

Felucca. Feluga. - A small motor boat with superstructure and cockpit Magunov greater, but less than the fishing Sciener. Feluccas, FELUGA, felucca - so in the Black Sea region has long been known as a small Turkish vessels. But the word itself comes from the Greek language through the Arabic, Spanish, French - in short, those peoples who had access to the sea and communicate with each other (Vasmer, IV, 189).

Every detail is thought out boat, functional, her name stand for centuries:

Stern. - The back of the boat.

Nose. - The front part of the boat. Option - ATTIC. Why? Let us recall the vernacular: ". Attic -" space between the ceiling and the roof of the house It is "the word indicates that a named part is raised above the rest and that it has a loft space in which something can be stored.

The foot. - Small wooden flooring underfoot rowers boaters.

Tagunov. - "Ribs" fishing boat (frames). Avg. Russian. Tagunov dialect - "nailed wooden nails to the bottom of the tree barks" (Vasmer, IV, 9).

Flag. - A rectangle on the nose and in umenshitelnnom embodiment, the stern little vessel. It indicates the number and place of "residence". Usually - red. Good visible against the black resin side.

About oars and outboard gear

Babayka. - Rhode oars. In Russian. and Ukrainian. dialects this word denotes a large paddle from a single piece of wood. The name is most likely from BABA - "block of wood" (ESUM, 1,103).

Burka. - Small anchor. Compulsory subject snap. Often sounding a warning: - Au Kinh burqa, more boat will carry!

Buoy. - Liquefaction resin that covers the boat. Chances are Romanian or Moldovan borrowing. There COMBAT - "paint" (MRS 90). However, Bojan word with the same meaning exists in Turkey. (TRS, 128).

Paddle. - It is used to control the boat from the stern. If you are going on a journey, a fisherman takes OAR and BABAYKI.

Kochetov and putsa. - Pin, which with the help of leather (rope) loop fits babayka. in Russian. dialects Kochetov - "Cock", "comb" - in short, something protruding above the surface. Putsa origin of the word is unclear.

Rudder. - Curved metal handle, which, instead of the paddle can be controlled by motor boat from the stern. Rowing oar to run special "poperechinkoy" at its upper end. This part here is sometimes called "the last name munichkoy2 source, most likely, Romanian or Moldovan languages Mold MENETE, MENUNK -..." Handle, the handle "(the MPC, 373, 403) The diminutive suffix appeared in the Slavic language environment..

Lanyard. - Boat hook with a characteristic ihognutym hook on the end. The literary language Lanyard - a loop with a brush on the handle of bladed weapons (sword, for example). Source words - Turkic languages (Vasmer, IV, 40). But they say in the Astrakhan .. Dahl met TEMLYAKOVISCHE - "a rope with a hook for pulling big fish", the Cossacks have TEMLYACHNY hocks from the Urals, ie "Hook iron on the knot." That yes, this Cossack fishing jargons and close residents Danube.

Is fluid. - Scoop. drink from it, scooping up of the Danube; they scooped water out of the boat. The name of the fluid, is related to flow.


The basis for plaiting (here say "knitting") networks has always been a thread. Once 0 "stodvadtsatka", a simple, cotton, used for the herring nets. In the 60-ies. here experienced "chemical boom": in the everyday life of fishermen entered Nylon thread, securing farm them. Lenin. This happy, proud of it. New network protivopostovlyali miserable "trap", which was used "when ramynah" Now, with the thread "sutuzhno", ie heavy. Master-setevyazalnitsa told that they have to interweave the ropes and the thread used for landing nets and less often. Fishermen, of course, prefer a thin, well-wrought nylon, brought from distant Ceylon. And only heard: - Our - well, no-good!

Bombak. - Thread the old model, which was used for planting (sewing) of the web network to Kodolov. The thread proxy. The dictionary explains the "specificity", the words: Bombak - yarn factory (ESUM, 1,228). Adapted from the mold. (Rum.): BUMBAK - "cotton". These peoples came from the Persian word.

Del. - It is also called the chopping block. Cellular web procured factory method. Setevyazalschitsa cuts out of it the desired shape and stitch the fragments into a whole.

Perhaps delyu once called thick strands of which trailed network. Today, in this sense the word is found in the Russian dialects. Then DEL - derived from SHARE (ESUM, 11.91).

Kodola (Kadola). - Thick rope with floats, which carries the banner network. In Russian. dialects known form KADOL. Considered as borrowing from the Old Norse language (ESUM, 11, 491-492).

Less often. - Additional network fragment that starts on top of it. It serves to strengthen the seine, to enhance its productivity.


Butcher. - The special wooden or metal needle, which is an expert at weaving a network.

Dostochka. - Planed wood and polished, it serves as a "yardstick" mesh.

Wheelchair (Spinner). Cross with 4 pins high, which stretched skein. Crossings by a movable mounting set high "leg" - a spacer and spun as yarn winder.

Float (KORA)

Balbera. - The float, which is attached to the upper Kodolov. Previously, cork, and now - from foam. Presumably the word is borrowed from Italian, there is a large network called a fishing Barban (ESUM, 1.125).

In Vilkovo found a special kind of float - glass sphere with a diameter of 10-15 cm There is another option:. Bunches of colored Kuga (Chakan). They were suspended to the special gear - pitons-samolovam.

It called adjacent Kushkov. This stick with a flag on the float - extreme meta indicating the end of the network.

Georgia (Georgia)

Balyasa. - Great load up to 10-15 kg. Fastened to spodovoy of the large nets. His task - to keep the lower part of a huge network at the very bottom.

Lead. - Sinkers for "Spode" not heavy gear. Cast in a special form. Fragments of up to 4 cm with a through bore diameter of 1 cm. Threaded a rope bottom edge networks in it.

utility ITEMS

Bukalka. - Pole with a special device that creates noise in the water, and this drives the fish into the net. From beech "thump, clap, to publish a thud." onomatopoeic nature of the Word.

Podsaki (patsaks). - Special net fishing. The Ukr. dialects of the Lower Dniester PIDSAKA recorded in the last century (Grinchenko, 1287).


They are fused and shutters (mentors). Rafting - is any seine, slowly floating or hovering in the water column. Managed by the boat, barge, Sciener. Mentors - is organized in a special way "trap": using stakes, poles posed motionless for a specified period.

TYPES seine

Seine. - Commonly used in Russian. word language. Synonym - network. Name generalizing various kinds (types) of traps:

  • Large seine (purse alaman).

  • Small seine (Ava, pebble, frayed, etc..).

By their construction single-wall, trójścienna, less often with and without ...

And you. - Suspended (paplavnye) network, often with less often.

The name is borrowed from vostochnoromanskih languages, which, in turn, the word comes from the Turkic languages: Turk. AB "network seine" (ESUM, 1.40).

Alaman. - Large seine predmecha purse. I opt out of the sea by hand with two barges. Obviously, borrowing from Turkey, where Alaman - "big bottom seine" (TRS 430).

Ahany (Kobchie). - Tackle for catching sturgeon. Typically, a network of coarse thick cord yarn. It reaches a height of 8-10 m., Length 30 m. On the sea shallows is set with the columns ( "on the cap") or at anchor.

The word probably borrowed from the Greek. A language in which AHANES - "with a wide mouth or opening."; has a second meaning: Ahan "basket" (ESUM, 1,100).

Dragnet. - Single wall network on two vertical stakes. The origin of the word explains the purpose and type of trap. From Brest - ie 2 fishermen (mostly children), taking six in hand, stretch from the coast deep into the network and across the pond, then wander through the water. Draw out the network to the bank that scooped - it and catch.

Venter (Yanter). - Barrel network stretched to 4-5 circles of different diameters. Complicate "Lockers", which with the help of stakes driven into the bottom and perform two functions: support Venter in the water column and indicate the entrance to the trap.

The word "Venter" and "yanter2 known West Slavic languages and are considered to be borrowed from the Baltic languages (Vasmer, 1,292, ESUM, 1,349).

Golysh.- single wall network. Mounted to the bottom with the help of poles or anchors. Cells 20-30 mm, is designed for fine-mesh fishing. Simple design (one sheet) explains the name: naked from the "naked".

Karavka. - Difficult way to organize a trap for fish, consisting of several Venter and aimed in different directions wing flaps.

Katsy. - Matting on the stakes that once partitioned reservoir; primitive similarity network of reeds. Avg. Ukr. KOTS "rough woolen odealo, carpet path." This hook like "house" with a narrow manhole inside. Arriving fisherman scooped landing net (a net with a handle) the catch of this fence.

Purse. - A huge dragnet. Its height is 100 m, the length of 700-800 m. Designed for fishing with purse seine vessels, equipped with special cables, blocks, winches. It named because of the similarity to the known forms of everyday objects. Surrounded by a network fish, the first thing that make anglers - is using a winch rope pull together the bottom edge of the seine. It turns inflated bag Torba, ie "Pouch" with fish.

Matula. - A special type of small nets. They fished two hours Lodo simultaneously. One - motionless at anchor, holding the edge of the network. The second resets the net in the form of a circle, gradually podezhaya to stationary boat. Approaching, rises on the anchor. At the start to choose a network. Balyasa (high load), attached to the bottom Kodolov using rings, holds the net in the form of a bag.

Heirloom. - Narrow trójścienna fine-mesh net for catching "on the shoals." With the stakes ( "to poke") is set fixedly. Height - 0.5 m, length limited (up to 30 m). Trammel word meaning "a fishing net" found both in Russian. dialects, and in Ukrainian. language.

Satchmo. - Fishing net in the form of an umbrella or a skirt flared. Fisherman standing on a boat, throw it on a rope into the water, then pulling the deck, slowly pulls the fish bag. The name is obviously borrowed from the Turkish. There's Satchmo - "fishing net, seine" (TPC 741).

Turbuk. - The dictionary B. Grinchenko read: "... kind of fishing net, a kind of Saka two crossed hoops, with the handle" (1870.). It resembles a large spoon, Vilkovo called Buckets. Standing on the beach or walking along the river, the fisherman is a bucket in the water, then pulls him to shore. Usually caught fish trifle and medium-sized specimens. But there are exceptions. Who talked about any of this trap, all mentioned that Gerasim-boatman "Kolo Carchi pulled turbukom catfish keel (ie kilograms) to 15". It happens!

Now for those who are caught. It often hear:

  • If it were not Duny, pozdyhali used in a hunger strike ... and added:

  • Di and now - tozha.

The Danube is the breadwinner, to him and to his gifts are treated with due respect. Fish set of names - too. But there are also local names. Distinctive and original. They quickly get used to, but the visitor's ear fixes them immediately.

  • I'm so like zolotarik.

But still -

Baboshka. - Rudd. In Russian. dialect is a form BABOSHKA - "lump; kolobochki, small dumplings" (Dahl, 1.34). The tendency to bore the nickname of irony: "Baboshkoy" sometimes "Baboshihoy" Vilkovo can be called a small, round woman whitish.

WHITE. - Asp. The name will emphasize the color of feathers and scales. The name is no accident: in the East Slavic languages and dialects, there are a number of names asp and ide formed by WHITE.

  • In Russian. WHITE "asp"; BELEZEN, BELEST, BELEZ "ide".

  • In Ukrainian. WHITE "asp".

  • In Belarusian. BELYUZNA "asp" (ESSYA, 11.68; ESUM, 1,195).

Zolotarik. - Sunny perch. From gold. Caught colors scales.

Moka. - Small catfish. The origin of the word is unclear. In the dictionary Dahl word is missing.

Setёr. - Oseter. Phonetic option literatunogo name.

Kinglet. - Silver carp. From KING: fish beautiful, shiny, tasty.

Chebak. - Bream. The word is borrowed from the Turkic languages (Vasmer, IV, 322).

Devils. - Ruff. From the devil; fish with spiny fins, externally - "horror story".

Chechuga. - Sturgeon. The word is considered to be borrowed from the Romanian language (Vasmer, IV, 356). Use it in Vilkovo, so it is quite natural.

Chopik. - Small perch (up to 30 cm). Slavic languages known word CHOP (CHIP) "peg sleeve gag." In vilkovskom title may metaphorical transfer was done by similarity shape.

Of those who fly and float on the distant tonyah. Please note: the local name, with very few exceptions, we have received birds living in the flooded areas and on the water.

Bob. Woman. - Pelican. In this sense the word is known Russian. dialects (Dahl, 132).

Bull. Bugaychik. - Bittern large. In this embodiment, the word is presented in Russian., Ukr. and Belarusian languages. By origin onomatopoeic: krichin bird napodobii goby (ESUM, 1,276).

Buslov. - Stork. Forms BUSEL, Busol presented in Russian. dialects and Ukrainian literary language. Concerning the origin of no consensus. (See, ESUM, 1,306-307). In Vilkovo There is also a saying: "Buslov ate crippled man walked into the shop, bought Blvd. / d / avku". Comment is not undertake.

Dolbok. - Woodpecker. As a literary name woodpecker, the word is related to gouge. The Ukr. dialects have names woodpecker, derived from the same root: DOVBAK, DOVBACH, DOVBAL etc. (ESUM, 11.99)..

Kwak. Kvass. - Bird Heron. - In Russian. dialects there name Heron bird in Ukrainian. Kwak, KVAKUN (ESUM, 11.414). Onomatopoeic word character. Wed .: croak.