Rest in Vilkovo

Danube Delta

for fans
of serene relaxation!

Today 17.02.2025


This is one of the oldest cultural pumpkin plants unknown in the wild. Culture received extremely widespread in all continents. In ripe fruit pulp is dry, and the shell consisting of lignified cells and cells containing the rocky, it is extremely durable, completely waterproof. For the people of India, China, South America, Africa and the islands of Oceania Lagenariya to this day has not lost its economic value and is commonly used as receptacles for the storage of liquids, production of kitchen utensils, musical instruments. The seeds removed edible fat oil, and of the long flexible stems weave hats and baskets. Ripe lagenarii so easy that does not sink in salt water and can swim in the ocean for a long time without damage and without loss of seed germination. Since ancient times, accidentally falling into the Atlantic Ocean, the fruits lagenarii, picked up by ocean currents made swimming from the coast of West Africa to Brazil and across the Pacific fell from Southeast Asia to Peru, and from the ancient inhabitants of North and South America spread across the continent . In Vilkovo this plant is called "Potbelly" and still make one dish (growths on the barrels of wine buckets, bowls, bottles, and small pumpkins were used as rattles for babies.